
I asked students on Friday to inform you of the following:
  • The attendance program is going to send automated phone calls that Students were absent.
    • ERHS’s procedure is for each Teachers to accurately take role of the students physically in their classroom.
    • For student absent because of “school business” such as field trip, performing at assemblies, etc…, it is the responsibility of the teacher supervising the activity to take roll and submit a list of students present to the Attendance Office.
    • The Attendance Office will clear the absences and mark “C” for school business in a timely manner.
  • That I provided the attendance office with the list of students’ absences to be excused as “school business” Friday at lunch and that the Attendance Office said they would start clearing the absences Monday (today).

My hope is that the Attendance Office will complete this by the end of business today (Monday). There are approximately 150 students’ attendance records that need to be individually adjusted.

You can check the Attendance Office’s progress on parent portal. If your son/daughter’s attendance isn’t corrected by the end of the day Tuesday, please email me and I will inquire further.

I will be blogging about the actual United Nations Sim Game, and ERHS’s possible creation of a Model UN Club in the next few days.

Thank you.